Recently, GB Standardization Management Committee issued a notice on the GB / T 27590-2011 “cups” to modify the national standard No. 1 single (for Approval) for advice.
The amendments mainly involve sensory indicators and signs and packaging two cups content. In the GB / T 27590-2011 “cups” sensory indicators section 4.1 adds two “NOTE”, respectively Note 1: Ice cream cups from time to execute ‘souffle cup cup body from within 15mm, 10mm inner cup body from the bottom of the cup should not be printed ‘provisions. Note 2: The cup from the cup body can be printed within 15mm 10mm total length does not exceed the capacity of marking. “In Section 7.1,” cup logo and packaging should GB/T10342 or contract provisions “to” cups sales packaging and transport packaging and marking signs shall include the following content or according to the contract, “and in terms of modifying the basic content.
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